A comprehensive course to understand root-cause your plastic part problems, failure analysis of injection molded plastic parts and How Do It Right the First Time (DRIFT) Plastics Design
Do It Right the First Time (DRIFT) Plastics Design. Emphasis on nonlinear FEA for design of parts in structural applications.
DFM and FMEA escapees.
The causes of defects from the standpoints of part, mold, and molding parameters.
Technical training for software we distribute
Programming and Data Analysis using OpenMatrix Language with Altair Compose
Dynamic system modeling and simulation with Activate
For developing embedded systems, by automatically generating code from block diagram models and transferring to popular controller hardware. Once you have a working simulation based on a system diagram, automatically generate the associated code for your hardware controller. You can also readily test your design using Hardware-in-the-Loop (HIL).
Malaysia: Training is HRDF claimable
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